DataTable Inline Editing Picklist Fields Salesforce | LWC Stack ☁️⚡️

In this blog I will show you how you can use DataTable from in your Salesforce org with inline functionality for picklist values.

Please check official article of below

To install this DataTable please follow below steps : 

Step 1

Install/upgrade below Flow Base Packs

Flow Action Basepack

Flow Screen Components Basepack

Step 2

Install the Datatgable package 

Step 3

Assign these two permission sets to your user 

USF Flow Screen Component - Datatable

USF Flow Screen Component - Custom Objects

Step 4

Create new flow add add a getRecords element in it, configure it as per your requirement.

Step 5

Add a Screen element and add the Datatable to the body of it as shown below

Step 6

Do the configurations on the right side pane and make sure you have added columns in it by clicking on configure column button

Step 7

You are not done yet, after configuring the Datatable screen element you have to add a update records element in your flow to retrieved the modified data from Datatable and update it.

Step 8

That will do the trick, just add the flow component in a page and you are good to use it. The overall flow should looks like below image


Checkout complete video tutorial below

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